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Haberdashers' Knights Primary

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Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Haberdashers' Knights Primary.

Knights Primary is a thriving primary school which is proud to serve the community of Downham. We are a small school with big ambitions and high expectations.

We are extremely proud of our children and their achievements. Their thirst for knowledge teamed with an excellent attitude to learning and good behaviour mean our children thrive in a happy, safe and supportive environment.

Our children deserve the best start in life so we offer an ambitious,
creative curriculum that encourages  children to develop their skills and talents across a wide range of subjects. Alongside our emphasis on developing language, we offer specialist teaching in Art and PE. Children are supported and challenged in their learning to ensure that they leave us with the knowledge and skills required to be successful in the next stage of their educational journey.

Our school was established in 2011 as the primary phase of Haberdashers’ Knight Academy. The rich history and support provided by our association with Haberdashers’ Livery Company is complemented by the charitable donations of the Temple Grove Trust. This means that, as well as being proud of their academic heritage, Knights Primary children can benefit from a wide range of enrichment trips and experiences through the Haberdashers’ Advantage which enhance the high quality of classroom teaching.

At Knights Primary, we encourage every child to do their best in all aspects of school life. Within a caring environment, high expectations are set for behaviour and academic outcomes. We encourage children to become responsible local and global citizens through the taught curriculum and the many junior leadership opportunities within the school and wider Trust.

Our team of staff at Knights Primary are highly skilled and committed to striving for excellence in everything they do, so all of the children in their care can make excellent progress and feel valued.

Our children are proud of their school. Whether as a prospective or current parent, a potential colleague or a local resident, I would invite you to explore our website and visit our school to see for yourself some of the exciting work taking place every day at Knights Primary.

Graham Gibson- Principal

 We dream

 We grow

 We create