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Haberdashers' Knights Primary

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Termly plans are currently in development and slight amendments may have been made. These will be updated on the website in due course. Updated MTP can be accessed in school.


History fires pupils’ curiosity to ask questions and know more about Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Pupils will develop a chronological framework of British history as they move through Knights Primary, and this will enable them to make sense of the new knowledge they acquire. This will also allow them to understand the process of change, how we got to the ‘here and now’ and to understand what came before. This will empower our pupils to have a solid understanding of the past, the present and our future. We want pupils to realise that history can impact judgement and decision making and by understanding the past we can make the world a better place in the future. History’s unique concepts help pupils to be confident communicators by constructing arguments - supporting them to become analytical citizens who can question human motivation and society with skill and confidence.  

History Overview

History Progression Map

History Overview - Year 1

History Overview - Year 2

History Overview - Year 3

History Overview - Year 4

History Overview - Year 5

History Overview - Year 6