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KTG Parent Governor Elections

Haberdashers’ Aske’s Knights Temple Grove Local Governing Body - Parent Governor Elections

We currently have a vacancy for two parents to serve as governors of Haberdashers’ Aske’s Knights Temple Grove. These vacancies have arisen because we are reorganising the governance of all our schools.  Previously the 2 schools in the Knights Cluster were overseen by a single Cluster Governing Body, with one parent from each school on it.  We are now creating a separate Local Governing Body for each school, with two parents on each one.

What is a parent governor?

Parent governors form part of the Local Governing Body, which is responsible for overseeing the school and supporting school leaders. The Local Governing Body focuses on:

  • making sure that all children get an excellent education
  • ensuring the school is following the Trust’s vision and strategy
  • agreeing policies and checking compliance with them, with a focus on safeguarding, special needs and the most disadvantaged children

Local Governing Bodies play the vital role in the governance of our schools. They are accountable to the Trust Board, which sets the strategic direction for our Federation Trust and all of its schools. Parent governor posts are open to parents and carers from all backgrounds, all ethnicities and all sections of the school community. It is our goal to make the governance of our schools fully representative of the communities they serve and the wider society that we all live within. For that reason, we are particularly keen to encourage parents/carers from under-represented groups to stand for election.

What is expected of governors?

Being a parent governor on the Local Governing Body is a challenging but rewarding role. Governors act in the interests of the school and the children it serves, not as a representative for the views of those that appointed or elected them.  Governors must commit to participating fully for the whole of their term of office, which will be for four years or until all their children have left the school. The role of a governor is carried out both in local board meetings and outside:

  • The governing body meets four times a year, in addition to an annual conference
  • Governors formally visit the school at least once per year and ideally more often.
  • Governors sit on appeals panels considering exclusions, complaints and staffing matters.

Regular and ongoing training is provided for all governors to support them to carry out the role effectively. Governors are not expected to be instant experts in education and together, the Trust, the School and established governors will support new governors to succeed in their role.

Stand for election to be a new parent governor 

To stand for election, please complete the self-nomination form, which is available online at https://www.habsfed.org.uk/Governor-Election-2021/ no later than 3pm on Friday 21st May 2021. When completing the form, you will need to provide a statement of up to 150 words explaining why you believe you should be elected, to help other parents and carers decide who to vote for.