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Parents Guide to Knights Primary Attendance Matters

Pupils should aim for a consistently high attendance rate; the target is a minimum of 97% for all pupils over the course of the academic year.

The government expect all pupils to resume full time education from the beginning of autumn term 2020.  As such, the school's Attendance Policy will be fully in place.  Please ensure that your child is in school, on time, every day. 

The School must be informed of any unavoidable absence by means of a phone-call or e-mail before 9:30am on the day of absence, followed by a letter to the class teacher when the pupil returns.

Medical or Dental appointments should not be made during school hours, including Enrichment times, unless this is absolutely unavoidable.  An appointment card or note should be presented to the class teacher beforehand if this is the case.

Any pupil who feels ill during school hours should report to their class teacher, who will report to the school office.  Parents or carers will be contacted if necessary.

Knights Primary Attendance Policy

Leave of Absence

Holidays are not allowed during term-time, as this is disruptive to pupils education.

The Government has made it clear that schools should not authorise any leave of absence during term time unless there are very exceptional circumstances.

If a parent/carer wants leave of absence for their child, they should seek permission well in advance. Letters regarding leave should be addressed to ‘The Principal’.

We reserve the right to refer specific unauthorised absences to our Education Welfare Service, who may deem it appropriate to issue a fixed penalty notice.  Parent fines for unauthorised absences will also be bought under the national framework.  A fine to parents must be considered if a child misses 5 days of school for unauthorised absence.  Fines will increase from £60 to £80 if paid within 21 days and from £120 to £160 if paid within 28 days.

Drop Offs and Collections

Please remember that all pupils in EYFS and KS1 must be brought to the classroom door by an adult and not dropped off at the school gate.  Parents must also collect pupils from the classroom door at the end of the day.  Our expectation is that no child is collected by anyone under the age of 16 years unless we parental consent.  Pupils over the age of 10 are permitted to travel home alone with written consent from their parent/carer by completing the form below. 

Walking Home Alone Consent Form

Be an Attendance HERO 

This year, we are launching our attendance HERO initiative to encourage pupils to come to school every day. 

- Here 
- Every day 
R - Ready to learn 
O - On time 

To encourage pupils to take a responsible attitude to attendance, we run a number of initiatives to motivate good attendance. These include:

- Weekly 100% attendance raffle 
- Weekly lunchtime Golden Table for pupils with 100% attendance and improved attendance
- Half termly - 100% attendance certificates and stickers 
- End of year - 100% attendance awards 

Our attendance motto is:

Attend today, Achieve tomorrow