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Haberdashers' Knights Primary

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Term plans are currently in development and slight amendments may have been made. These will be updated on the website in due course. Updated MTP can be accessed in school.


At Knights Primary, we recognise that the ability to read fluently is the prerequisite of our curriculum. Our aim is to ensure pupils become confident and enthusiastic readers, writers and communicators. Through daily, systematic and consistent high-quality synthetic phonics teaching, children learn to segment words to support their spelling ability and blend sounds to read words. The ability to read broadens pupils’ horizons by opening up a world of text. We teach our children to develop a strong phonic awareness and effective blending and decoding skills, and have chosen to use a synthetic phonics programme called Read, Write, Inc which is a method of learning centred on letter sounds and phonics, blending sounds together to read and spell words and applying these skills across the curriculum. Using Read Write Inc. the children learn to read fluently so that they can put all their energy into comprehending what they read. The ability to read and write independently is not only the key to accessing the rest of the curriculum, but undeniably raises self-esteem and increases life chances.

Phonics is a way of teaching children how to read and write.  At Knights Primary we follow the Read, Write, Inc Program which is a structured and systematic approach that teaches children to learn to read fluently and at speed.  Children in Early Years and KS1 will have daily Phonics lessons every morning and within these sessions the children are taught to hear the sounds that are in words and then the letter or letters which make those sounds.