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Haberdashers' Knights Primary

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Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is additional funding to help schools close the attainment gap between children from low-income and disadvantaged families and their peers. 

If a child is eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point over the past 6 years or has been looked after for one day or more (Child Looked After), the school receives additional funding within the budget. 

On this page, you will find the Pupil Premium information for Knights Primary

The Department for Education classifies a pupils as 'disadvantaged' if they meet any one of the following criteria:

  • Pupils in any year group from Reception to Year 6 who have been entitled to free school meals at any point in the last 6 years, including eligible children of families with no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
  • Looked-after children as defined in the Children's Act 1989 
  • Children who have ceased to be looked after by a Local Authority in England or Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order 
  • Children in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence 


Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools annually and it is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium will be spent since schools are considered best placed to access what provision should be made for the pupils that they are responsible for. Schools must report annually how it is spent and its impact.

Pupil Premium Report

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-2023Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2022

Pupil Premium Report Feb 2020-2021

COVID Catch-up Report

Knights Primary COVID 19 Catch Up Premium Report 2022-2023

Knights Temple Grove COVID 19 Catch up Premium Report 2021-2022

COVID 19 Catch Up Premium Report 2020-2021

Our Pupil Premium Strategy 

The core approaches that will be implemented in order to close gaps are:

  • Quality First Teaching to raise attainment and accelerate progress for all pupils 
  • A rigorous Reading Strategy 
  • Improving attendance and engagement in extra-curricular activities 
  • Developing pupil's social and emotional skills

 The overall aims of our pupil premium strategy:

  • To reduce attainment gap between the school's disadvantaged pupils and others nationally 
  • To raise the in-school attainment of both disadvantages pupils and their peers

School Overview

Academic year or years covered by statement September 2023 - July 2024
Pupil premium allocation this academic year £102 481.00 

The report provides the following details: 

  • A summary of the main barriers to achievement faced by eligible pupils at Knights Primary
  • How we have already spent and how we intend to spend the grant to address those barriers and the reasoning for that approach
  • The impact of the funding and how we measure this