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Haberdashers' Knights Primary

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Year 3 - Lamorak Class 

Our journey into Key Stage 2 

Mrs. Cooper and the Year 3 team welcome you to Lamorak class. In Year 3, pupils your child will be encouraged to develop their independence and curiosity as they apply all the basic skills they learnt in Key Stage 1 and become self-motivated learners. 

The Year 3 curriculum builds on the foundations built through our EYFS and Key Stage 1 curriculum. We teach the full range of National Curriculum subjects with a strong emphasis on developing children's knowledge and writing skills. PE, Art and Music are all taught by specialist teachers. We encourage children to explore their creativity and aim to foster a love of the Arts and physical activity. 

As well as our taught curriculum, our character curriculum offers many opportunities for pupils to develop their confidence and a vast range of life skills.


Our core learning in Year 3


Close reading 

Our reading curriculum gives every child the chance to develop their fluency and language comprehension to become skilled, independent readers. Daily close reading lessons help children develop 'reading miles' and become inquisitive readers. They experience a wide range of high-quality texts by significant authors. 




Daily English lessons are planned around core texts which children explore and use as the inspiration for their own writing. Each term, children produce three published outcomes for a range of purposes and audiences. 

RWI Spelling

Daily spelling lessons follow the Read Write Inc. spelling programme. This builds on the phonics lessons taught in Key Stage 1 and helps children to become independent, accurate spellers with an understanding of spelling patterns, rules and etymology.  



Maths is taught using the White Rose mastery approach. This helps pupils secure sound conceptual understanding and promotes reasoning and problem solving. In addition to daily maths lessons, arithmetic lessons are also scheduled across the week to help secure confidence in using a range of written methods. Children also enjoy accessing Times Table Rockstars to practise and secure their tables knowledge so they are well prepared for the multiplication tables check in Year 4. 



Y3 & Y4 Statutory Spelling List

Our Year 3 Curriculum

Magical Moments 

Many memorable experiences help to bring learning to life at Knights Primary. These can be described as our Magical Moments and we pledge that all children experience the full range of opportunities as they journey through the school. These activities are part of our planned curriculum and enrich learning - providing challenge, cultural capital and inspiration. The Magical Moments form part of the Haberdashers' Advantage.

Term 1
Curriculum Newsletter - Term 1

Term 2
Curriculum Newsletter - Term 2

Term 3
Curriculum Newsletter - Term 3

Term 4
Curriculum Newsletter - Term 4

Term 5
Curriculum Newsletter - Term 5

Term 6
Curriculum Newsletter - Term 6