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Haberdashers' Knights Primary

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Year 6 - Arthur Class

A warm welcome to Year 6 from Mr. Jumbo. 

Mr. Jumbo is supported by Ms. Ashby, our HLTA for Upper Key Stage 2.

In Year 6, we deliver an exciting, curriculum that prepares pupils for their move to secondary school. All pupils are taught the full range of National Curriculum subjects and encouraged to develop their independence and love for learning. We aim to ensure all pupils leave Knights Primary with confidence and core knowledge to embark on their journey through secondary education and beyond. 

Our year group page provides an overview of the learning that takes place in Year 6 and provides additional information to support independent home study. 


Every Child an Independent Learner  

At Knights Primary, we strive to ensure that every child has the skills, knowledge and confidence to be an independent learner by the end of Key Stage 2. Every Child an Independent Learner is one of our 5 Haberdashers' Principles that enable each child to become the best version of themselves. These Principles equip children with the tools to transition to the next step of their learning journey. 

KS2 SATs Assessments 

During Term 5, pupils in Year 6 complete statutory national assessment tests in reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling and maths. This year, SATs will take place week commencing Monday 13th May. These tests are marked externally and the outcomes reported to parents by the end of the academic year. Pupils will be scored as working towards the expected standard (WTS), working at the expected standard (EXS) or the higher standard (GDS). 

The outcomes of the SATs tests are reported alongside teacher assessments which show the grading for the child's performance across the year. The outcomes of KS2 assessments are widely used as an indicator of whether a child is 'secondary ready'. 

In order to ensure all of our pupils are 'secondary ready', we give our pupils the best chance possible to achieve well in the assessments. Children may be invited to attend booster sessions or 1:1 tuition before or after school if we assess them to have gaps in their learning or if they need to develop confidence in working in test conditions. 

How can parents and carers help at home?

Parents and carers have a vital role to play in ensuring children are 'secondary ready'. The follow are some of the ways parents can give children the best chance possible to progress in their learning:

  • Attendance and punctuality - full attendance and good punctuality are vital if your child is to fully access the curriculum
  • Ready to learn - ensure your child comes to school with the correct uniform, book bag and equipment every day 
  • Reading - encourage your child to read for at least 20 minutes every day. Hear them read aloud, ask questions and join the library so they are reading a wide range of materials and broadening their vocabulary 
  • Homework - check homework tasks are completed and create a routine around homework. Provide your child with a quiet, distraction-free area to work
  • Online learning - ensure your child is making use of the online learning platforms provided and completing any tasks set by the teacher 
  • Minimise and monitor screen time - agree boundaries and limits around the use of devices to engage in online games. Always ensure your child is safe online 

 Our Year 6 Curriculum


Y5 & Y6 Statutory Spelling List

Magical Moments

Many memorable experiences help to bring learning to life at Knights Primary. These can be described as our Magical Moments and we pledge that all children experience the full range of opportunities as they journey through the school. These activities are part of our planned curriculum and enrich learning - providing challenge, cultural capital and inspiration. The Magical Moments form part of the Haberdashers' Advantage.

Curriculum News for Parents and Carers 

Term 1
Curriculum Newsletter - Term 1

Term 2
Curriculum Newsletter - Term 2

Term 3
Curriculum Newsletter - Term 3

Term 4
Curriculum Newsletter - Term 4

Term 5
Curriculum Newsletter - Term 5

Term 6
Curriculum Newsletter - Term 6